Saturday, February 19, 2022

Student Government

One of the things that made me most proud of the school I attended as a child, George C. Soule School in Freeport, Maine, was that we had a powerful student government. Students truly had a say in what happened at our school. One example of this was when as a member of the Student Council, I helped hire the person who would be my math teacher in fifth grade. Student voice was a core value at my childhood school, and it is a value I continue to promote as a teacher. 

Years ago, when I taught fourth grade, I helped students create a class government as a way to teach civics while giving students some say in what happened in their classroom. Students led meetings while I sat quietly at the back of the class, interfering only when necessary. At the end of the unit, I asked students about their opinions of the student government, what they had learned, and what they thought my purpose was in doing the activity. I laughed when I read one response stating that maybe I had formed the government so that I didn't have to do as much work! I took this as a good sign that I had succeeded in allowing the students to take the lead. Their feedback on the experience was overwhelmingly positive. 

In my current position as a middle school teacher, I facilitate a Student Council that plans school events and addresses school policies. This year they hosted a Harvest Festival for all the K - 8 students at our small school and organized a middle school dance. They are now working on a spirit week to be held in the coming weeks. Their current policy initiative is to allow middle school students to take a 15-minute nap at the beginning of study hall on Fridays. We'll see where this goes! They did make some pretty good arguments in favor of this idea...

The structure I use for our current Student Council includes these offices:

* President to lead meetings

* Vice President to help lead meetings and write things on the board, and to serve in the President's absence

* Secretary to take meeting minutes and do a roll call

* Office Ambassador to communicate with the office

* Ambassadors for each tier (K-2, 3-5, 6-8) to communicate with teachers

* Grade representatives to be a voice for each grade (only grades 6-8 currently)

Student Council meetings can get pretty heated, especially in middle school! I have learned that teaching students to follow Robert's Rules of Order has helped with this. Some key points of these rules are to wait until you have the floor to speak, and to address the president rather than other members during a discussion/debate. Here are some videos on Robert's Rules of Order that I have shared with my class:

The first link shows a vintage (80's?) student council in action. The second gives an example of a board meeting. We sometimes follow the rules loosely, but they do help keep discussions civil and allow all members to have a turn to speak.  I tell students that becoming familiar with Robert's Rules of Order can be helpful because they may see this structure used in other organizations as well. Learning Robert's Rules of Order takes time, and students often need reminders from me during their meetings. 

Allowing students to have a voice gives them a feeling of agency in their school life, much of which is typically planned out for them. It has been my experience that serving on a student council makes students feel like an important part of the school community and motivates them to come to school! 

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Saturday, February 5, 2022

Pandemic Survival Tips from Teachers


              Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The pandemic is wearing on everyone, and teachers and school administrators are no exception. With nationwide school staffing shortages, absences, and additional tasks necessitated by the pandemic, teachers and other school staff are stretched very thin right now. It's gotten so bad that yesterday they asked me- the girl who once took the basketball, ran in the wrong direction, and missed a layup in the opposing team's basket- to teach P.E.! I suggested to staff at my school that we all share with one another our tips for staying sane. Here are some of them.


* Ms. Jaleh uses humor when times get tough.

Take a Break!

* Ms. Rachel recommends taking a true lunch break and getting out of your classroom.


* Ms. Jaleh listens to playlists that include beloved hits from the ’80s! She mentioned a study showing that for those who have positive associations with 80's music, the music induces the release of endorphins in the brain, making you feel happy and calm.

Dance Parties!

* Ms. Carrie, Ms. Ruby, and Ms. Jane hold dance parties in the office!

Tap into Creativity

* Mr. Jeremy relaxes by making art, including a cool necklace he wears.

* Ms. Ruby relaxes by crocheting blankets.

* I have just started to make time to play my banjo and sing, and I plan to play my violin.

Laugh, Think Positive Thoughts, and Keep Going!

* Ms. Jane says, "Rainbows and unicorns, butterflies and bunnies! 😂

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swim swim swim swim swim."


* Ms. Rachel goes to Sunday yoga in Balboa Park, held outdoors on 6th and Laurel and by donation.


* Ms. Raquel says that what has helped her juggle many things throughout her day is to take 5 minutes to meditate. She shared this link to help others on their journey to starting meditating:

Probably the only real solution to the stressors caused by the pandemic is a change in the situation we are all in, but maybe these tips will help us smile as we muddle through it!

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